Spent fuel storage in spent fuel pools at nuclear power plants

Spent fuel storage in spent fuel pools at nuclear power plants

One of the key activities of ŠKODA JS is the production of equipment for spent nuclear fuel handling.

Upon removal from the reactor, spent fuel first needs to be stored in a storage pool and later in a so-called interim storage facility. The first technology category includes compact storage racks, which are used for short-term “wet” storage of spent nuclear fuel for a period of 5–8 years.

Compact spent fuel storage racks for VVER 440 and VVER 1000 units

Kompaktní skladovací mříže pro bloky VVER 440  a VVER 1000

The production of compact storage racks for VVER-type fuel is based on ŠKODA JS’s own design. The fuel rack design enables the storage of fuel assemblies (also leaked, protected by a leak-proof can) or control rod clusters in special jackets. Thanks to the compact configuration of fuel assemblies, the storage capacity of fuel racks for VVER 1000 reactors has increased by 85%.

Advantages of the compact storage racks produced by ŠKODA JS include the possibility of their incorporation into an existing spent fuel pool and the possibility of additional installation at already operated nuclear power plants. The equipment is in full compliance with the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for wet storage of spent nuclear fuel in a reactor hall.

Since 1993, we have supplied spent fuel storage racks to a total of 25 VVER 440 and VVER 1000 units in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine.

In the years 2019-2020, we supplied removable upper reserve racks for the storage of spent nuclear fuel at two units of the Rovno NPP.

Compact spent fuel storage racks for PWR and BWR units

Kompaktní skladovací mříže pro JE Obringen

In cooperation with a partner engineering organization, ŠKODA JS supplied external high-density storage racks to the Obrigheim nuclear power plant in Germany. The company mastered the demanding technology of the welding of borated stainless steel sheets, which is the base material for the construction of racks.

The previous project in the field of PWR fuel was a contract for seven sections of compact spent fuel storage racks for the Kori 3 NPP in the Republic of Korea.

The racks for MOX fresh fuel were delivered to the German Gundremmingen NPP in 2003.

The history of our cooperation

Kompaktní mříže pro palivo z reaktoru VVER 440 pro JE Dukovany

1993 delivery of the first three sections of compact spent nuclear fuel racks for VVER 440 reactor fuel for the Dukovany NPP

Mříže pro palivo z reaktoru PWR pro JE Kori

1993 delivery of storage racks for PWR reactor fuel intended for the Kori NPP, South Korea

Montáž kompaktních mříží pro palivo z reaktoru VVER 1000 na Rovenské JE

1994 delivery of the first four sections of compact storage racks for VVER 1000 reactor fuel for the Rovno NPP, Ukraine

Kompaktní skladovací mříže pro JE Obringen

1999 delivery of 20 sections of compact storage racks for PWR reactor fuel for the Obrigheim NPP, Germany

Mříže pro JE Gundremmingen

2003 delivery of compact storage racks for MOX fresh fuel intended for the Gundremmingen NPP, Germany

Kompaktní mříže pro palivo z reaktoru VVER 440 pro JE M ochovce

2013deliveries of two sections of storage racks for the Zaporozhye NPP in Ukraine and three sections for the Mochovce NPP in Slovakia

Kompaktní mříze pro Rovenskou JE

2019-2020production and delivery of storage racks for Units 1 and 2 at the Rovno NPP, Ukraine

Interesting numbers

100 sections of compact storage racks of various types for the storage of more than 14,000 fuel assemblies (since 1993)
30 nuclear power plant units (since 1993)
28 years of experience in the production of racks (since 1993)