Company profile

We are one of the leaders of the nuclear power industry in Europe. We are part of its history and we pass on our knowledge and experience from one generation to the next. We are a team of experts working with advanced technologies and our three pillars – engineering, production and service – provide a wide range of activities within the lifecycle of a nuclear power plant. We constantly innovate and push ourselves and nuclear engineering forward.

Over the past sixty years, ŠKODA JS a.s. has participated in the construction of nuclear power plants not only in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but also in Hungary and Germany.

Few words from the Director

František Krček, General Director

Nuclear technologies shaped the history of mankind in the second half of the twentieth century. There is nothing to compare with nuclear power today. It is reliable, ecological, safe and efficient. I am glad that our company is a leader in this area and I am convinced that at least in the twenty-first century nuclear energy will still be the best choice.

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František Krček
General Director

Our history as well as our staff’s achievements and past projects – that is a commitment for us, but also a reference and competitive advantage.

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Karel Bednář, Nuclear Equipment Division DirectorKarel Bednář
Nuclear Equipment Division Director

The service of important components of VVER-type nuclear power plants has a long-standing tradition at ŠKODA JS. Thanks to our experience, practice and know-how we are a strong and reliable partner for our customers.

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Zdeněk Kratochvíl, NPP Services Division DirectorZdeněk Kratochvíl
NPP Services Division Director

Our strong professional background and our wide range of often unique and specialized services – that is something that not everyone in the market can offer.

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Jan Vybulka, Slovakia Division DirectorJan Vybulka
Slovakia Division Director

The future prosperity of ŠKODA JS requires that we not only focus on current events and projects, but also prepare ourselves well for what is yet to come.

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Martin Müller, Engineering and I&C Division DirectorMartin Müller
Engineering and I&C Division Director

Company history and projects

ŠKODA JS a.s. milestones

Emil Škoda kupuje plzeňský závod hraběte Valdštejna

1869 Emil Škoda buys out the Pilsen plant owned by Count Waldstein

pod vedením Josefa Hauera vzniká odbor výstavby A-1

1956 A nuclear design engineers team established at the V.I. Lenin plant. Under the leadership of Josef Hauer, the head design engineer’s department at the Škoda plant is subsequently transformed into A1 Construction Division.


ýroba zařízení pro jadernou elektrárnu Jaslovské Bohunice

The commencement of production of equipment for the A1 Jaslovské Bohunice nuclear power plant

1974 zahájena výstavba Reaktorové haly v Plzni

Based on an intergovernmental agreement, the ŠKODA plant began to produce components for nuclear power plant primary circuits and in the same year the construction of the Reactor Shop in Pilsen commenced


Reaktor VVER 440

Production and delivery of the first VVER 440/V-213 pressure vessel to the Paks nuclear power plant in Hungary.


Tlaková nádoba reaktoru VVER 440 pro JE Dukovany

Production of 2-3 VVER reactor components annually (Paks NPP in Hungary; V-2 NPP in Jaslovské Bohunice, Slovakia; Nord NPP in Germany; Zarnowiec NPP in Poland; Mochovce 1, 2 NPP in Slovakia)


spouštění jaderné elektrárny Dukovany

Commissioning of the Dukovany NPP, Units 1-4.


Tlaková nádoba reaktoru VVER 1000

Delivery of the first VVER 1000 reactor for the Belene nuclear power plant in Bulgaria; later the reactor pressure vessel was installed in the Kalinin NPP – Unit 3, in Russia


školní reaktor VR-1

Production and delivery of the VR 1 – Sparrow training reactor for the Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Engineering

Transport tlakové nádoby VVER 1000 do kontejnmentu JE Temelín

1991-1993 Delivery of VVER 1000 reactors for the Temelín NPP, Units 1, 2

opěrný rám tlakové nádoby reaktoru PWR, JE Civaux, Francie

1993 The first delivery of equipment for western types of nuclear reactors  (PWR reactor pressure vessel supporting frame, Civaux NPP, France).


zahájení výroby kontejnerů pro použité palivo typu CASTOR

First large contract in Ukraine – compact storage racks for spent nuclear fuel at the Rovno nuclear power plant; commencement of production of the CASTOR® spent fuel casks


řídicí elektronika pro ukrajinské jaderné elektrárny

First successful delivery of complete control rod drive mechanisms and the control electronics for Ukrainian nuclear power plants (South-Ukraine nuclear power plant)


zahájení výroby komponent palivových souborů pro firmu Westinghouse

Commencement of production of fuel assembly components for Westinghouse



Units 1, 2 of the Mochovce nuclear power plant put into commercial operation


Mříž a plášť AZ pro Forsmark

Delivery of internals for western BWR-type  reactors at the Forsmark nuclear power plant in Sweden


systému kontroly a řízení na jaderné elektrárně Dukovany

Winning the ČEZ tender for delivery and refurbishment of the instrumentation and control system at the Dukovany nuclear power plant


utahovák matic

Delivery of the main flange joint stud tensioner for GE to the Tianwan nuclear power plant

uzavření kontraktů s německou společností GNB

2005 Conclusion of contracts with the German company GNB for the delivery of spent fuel casks for the Obrigheim, Kozloduy and Ignalina NPPs.

dodávka 16 ks kontejnerů VPVR

2006 Supply of 16 VPVR casks


dodávka vnitřních částí reaktoru EPR pro francouzskou společnost Areva

Supply of EPR reactor internals for the French company Areva,  final user – Olkiluoto NPP, Finland


dodávka vnitřních částí reaktoru EPR pro francouzskou společnost Areva

Supply of EPR reactor internals for the French company Areva, final user – Taishan NPP, China


vítězství v tendru Obnova systému kontroly a řízení jaderné elektrárny Pakš, Maďarsko

A tender won for the refurbishment of the instrumentation and control system at the Paks NPP, Hungary


Modernizace systému a kontroly řízení na JE Metsamor

A tender won for refurbishment of the instrumentation and control system at Metsamor NPP (VVER 440) in Armenia


kontejner ŠKODA 1000/19 pro JE Temelín

Delivery of the first ŠKODA 1000/19 cask to Temelín NPP (tender won in 2015, deliveries in 2018–2035)


výměna separátorů na 2. bloku JE Temelín

Replacement of moisture separator reheaters at Temelín NPP, unit 2 (replacement at Temelín NPP, unit 1 in 2021)


dodávka prvního kontejneru ŠKODA 440/84 do JE Dukovany

Delivery of the first ŠKODA 440/84 cask to Dukovany NPP (tender won in 2016, deliveries in 2021-2048)


předání 3. bloku JE Mochovce zákazníkovi

Handing over the unit 3 of Mochovce NPP to the customer (Slovenské elektrárne) for permanent use